Quara Quest (lvl 80 +)
on the way to the quest you will meet all kinds of quar
Underground Dragon Quest (lvl 180 +)
incidence of monsters on the way to the quest dragon, dragon lord, ghastly dragon, undead dragon
Levitation Quest (lvl 360 +)
incidence of monsters on the way to the quest elder beholder, braindeath, dragon lord, wyrm, diabolic imp
, undead gladiator, nightmare, destroyer, spectre, phantasm, lost soul, plaguesmith
, behemoth, demon, dark torturer, grim reaper, hellhound, undead dragon + boss Drazer.
in the City Gengia Added exp from monsters Dragon Lord, Spectre, Ghastly Dragon, Hellhound, Undead Dragon + expowisko z Quarami
on a ship in the city Gengia house added + Improved graphic visual system throughout the city.
Fixed faulty Taski and added on a special list tasks
Price bless (!bless on) cheaper to 5 cm and the price of the amulet of loss (!aol on) to 2 cc
I recall about recently given tab maps